November 2009 - Started trying to get pregnant.
November 2010 - Still not pregnant didn't have enough money to start testing and had no idea where to go or what to do.
2011 (not sure exactly what month) - Went to our primary physicians
office and got testing done. Found out I was fine, but Chase had sperm
issues. The doctor said we should do 6-IUI's without medication and
then go from there.
October 2011 - First IUI ($300 + worst IUI ever!) Didn't get pregnant.
December 2011 - beginning of the month did another IUI $300.
End of December 2011 - Another IUI $300 - didn't get pregnant, started messing up my cycle and giving me stress and anxiety.
January 2012 - I got a book for my birthday called "Taking Charge
of Your Fertility" from a dear friend and started doing the Basil Body
Temperature (BBT) and Ovulation kit and tracking when I knew I was
ovulating by using my own body - Pretty cool that your body tells you
when you are fertile.
Spent most of 2012 wondering what we should do next, while we kept trying using the method in the book.
September 2013 - Friends refer us to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE).
2013 - Met with our RE, he had me do an ovarian reserve test, as well
as put me on Femera. Chase did another sperm analysis which included the
Kroger test.
November 2013 - Had an Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) done. Results came back clean, no tubal blockage.
2013 - Met with the RE and he told Chase that the little guys are
swimming in circles and making some progression (most sperm are on the
freeway headed in the right direction). The RE finally told us our best
bet is to do invitro fertilization (IVF) and that would bring our
chances up to 25-40% depending on which IVF treatment we decide to do. He also said
that we could have a somewhat high chance if we did a intrauterine
insemination (IUI) with FSH injections and that would only bring us up
to an 8% chance of getting pregnant.
After hearing that IVF is probably going to be our only option, we chose to just take a break.
October 2014 - Chase started a clinical trial that was supposed to help sperm count, and motility. Using Folic Acid, and Zinc.
April 2014 - Chase's Semen Analysis (SA) resulted in his sperm count jumping to 39.3 million (normal > 15). Which lead to normal sperm and him finding out he was on the real thing - not the placebo. Chase is now on the same dosage of Zinc and Folic Acid.
July 2015 - Met with a new Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE). He said to try 3 rounds of IUI with Femara, hCG trigger shot, and Progesterone Suppositories.
August 2015 - Started 1st round of Femara (3 pills a day for 5 days), hCG trigger shot the day before our 1st IUI, which happened to be on Chase's birthday, followed by progesterone suppositories until the beta blood test. AF (Aunt Flo) decided to show up a few days before the beta blood test (14dpiui - 14 days post IUI). So we had our first failed IUI.
September 2015 - Started IUI #2 with Femara, and did the hCG trigger shot Friday night, and our IUI was scheduled for 36 hours after the shot (Sunday morning). Used progesterone suppositories until AF started (which was the day after my first marathon - 13dpiui (13 days post IUI)), and the beta test was scheduled for that following Monday. This was our second failed IUI.
October 2015 - Did our 3rd IUI with Femara, and hCG trigger shot on the 10th, and after a week and a half of progesterone suppositories, AF decided to show up on day 26, 13dpiui (13 days post IUI).
November 2015 - Met with RE, discussed our options, which was moving towards IVF. Taking November and December off of "trying," and starting IVF January 2016.
January 2016 - Started IVF January 4, put on Lupron, Follistim, and Menopur. Egg Retrieval January 19: 8 follicles, 6 mature, 4 fertilized, and found out Tedi has endometriosis. Embryo Transfer; January 24, transferred 2 embryos (that's all that we had), a good and a fair quality.
February 2016 - Pregnant for all of 6 weeks and then ended with a chemical pregnancy on February 18. This was our first failed IVF cycle.
March 2016 - Met with our RE, going to be using Depo-Lupron to help suppress the endometriosis for 3 months and will begin a new round of IVF in July.
April 2016 - 1st Depo-Lupron shot.
May 2016 - 2nd Depo-Lupron shot.
June 2016 - 3rd Depo-Lupron shot + big fundraising event.
July 2016 - Met with IVF coordinator. Got put on Estrace for 7 days, baseline appointment July 12. Started Gonal-f, and Menopur the day after baseline. Started bleeding, put back on Estrace. Egg Retrieval July 27: 5 follicles, 4 mature, 2 fertilized. Embryo Transfer (day 3): July 31, transferred 2 embryos.
August 2016 - August 12, got a negative blood pregnancy test. Never got pregnant. Next option is either embryo adoption, adoption or egg donor. Decided to take a break and focus again on our marriage and building each other up. Will decide what to do next year after becoming debt free.
September 2016 - After being told I would never become a biological mother, we found out we were pregnant in mid September. It was a spontaneous pregnancy with using no drugs, or undergoing any fertility treatments. We are so blessed and our little man is due the end of June 2017.